Abdulateef Hussien

Abdulateef HussienNon-Executive Director
Abdulateef has a diverse background in Investment Banking, Microfinance, Insurance, and Consulting. He began his career at Solina Group, then moved into investment banking with Blackbit Limited, Axe Capital, and Globalview Capital Limited. In 2019, he joined Mutual Trust Microfinance Bank as Manager II, Corporate Finance & Strategy, where he led the Bank’s first N1 Billion bond and contributed to growing its balance sheet to N5 billion by 2020. At Egwafin Microfinance Bank, he served as COO and later as Acting Managing Director, driving the bank to profitability within 18 months.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, Banking, and Finance from Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus, and is a microfinance certified professional and a SEC Sponsored individual. He has executive education from Cambridge Judge Business School, UK, and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers and the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria.
Currently, he is the CEO of BAS Capital Limited and sits on the boards of its subsidiaries, including Ally Microfinance Bank, BAS Insurance Brokers, Ally Healthcare, and Ally Micro-insurance.